About Me

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Valley Center, California, United States
A Christian studying to become a missionary pilot. I have felt the call on my life to reach the untold millions of those who need His message. I also absolutely love any kind of sport on the face of the planet.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Wow, its been a long time since my last blog post. Things have been real busy down here in So Cal and I have been working a bunch. Not as free to laze around on the computer all day anymore.....Being an adult sucks....haha

Well there have been plenty of happenings here in the Sullivan Household. I'll start with the Fourth.

I guess from what I hear from certain {other} people, Canada really doesn't think too much about Their country's independence day. But we here in the USA go all out for good ole independences day. I guess the harder you fought to get it, the more you cherish it. [Btw here's a shout out to all those Military people's out there, both home and abroad...you guys are true heroes. And you are in our prayers.] But anyways, so we Sullivan's have a tradition that every year for the Fourth of July that we go up to the beach at San Clemente and watch the fireworks. They really know how to put on a show up there and we don't mind the drive up there to witness it. Also they have a nice family friendly beach up there by the pier and it makes for an awesome day every year. Well this year we decided to add some friends to the festivities and invited the Linstad family to join us for the fun.

Also, Jess, Ben, and Rachel had all entered things in the Creative Youth event at the Del Mar Fair this year and we had recently received notification that Jessica had won Best of Show for her entry in the Digital Works category. She had made a DVD slideshow presentation for my grandfathers 70th birthday party and so she entered that in the fair. It was really well done and we all are proud of her. So before we set off for Orange County we stopped at the Fair for the awards ceremony where Jessica was presented with her Best of Show ribbon. We then did a little touring around the fair for a couple hours. We even got to ride a double decker bus! That was def a highlight for us and it was a beautiful day in Del Mar. The theme for the fair this year is "Taste the Fun" and so they have all these vendors that are selling these crazy food dishes. Some of which include: Deep Fried Butter, Cheese Curls with Bacon drippings, and the {best one} the triple-gastric-bypass Burger.....mmmm Needless to say, we didn't try any. I mean if the name of the stand, "Heart Attack Cafe" doesn't make you worry, the picture of the nurse with a defibrillator right next to it surely does....

But anyways, we really enjoyed the Fourth and celebrating our wonderful nation's birthday!!!
Also, if you click on the photos, you can enlarge them to see them in more detail...;)

Happy Fourth Cake made my Rachel

Ben's Entry

Jess's Award winning entry

Her quilt entry

Rachel's Entry


1 comment:

  1. FYI.. Canada doesn't have an independence day.. but we still have fairs and fireworks like you guys for our birthday.. :)

    p.s. wish I could be there.. EVEN for July 4th ;)
