About Me

My photo
Valley Center, California, United States
A Christian studying to become a missionary pilot. I have felt the call on my life to reach the untold millions of those who need His message. I also absolutely love any kind of sport on the face of the planet.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Last Day

Wow, the trip is over. I'm home now. Got up at 3:30am in Quito and began the all day journey back to SD. Made it at 6pm and there was the welcoming party to greet me. Even though some of them did have the flu...haha But it was an awesome trip. Here are some of the highlights that come to mind:

~Missing our flight to Quito because of a raging volcano

~Visiting the Equator and standing with one foot on both hemispheres.

~Seeing three waterfalls. One by high-flying cable car, one by a nice jungle hike, and the last one being able to actually swim underneath it and feel the power of God.

~Taking off in a Cessna 206 and flying to the Waodani tribe in the jungle.

~Meeting one of the Waodani killers and seeing the change that resulted in his life and the lives of his people.
~Hiking through the jungle and seeing the grand handiwork of the Almighty. And having Him take my breath away time and time again.

~Competing in a blowgun and spear throwing contest with the local Waodani's and using the same tools that they have been using to hunt for centuries.

~Hanging out with the awesome group of guys, gals, and old people :p that were on this trip. Bus rides with you guys were DA BOMB!!!

~Squishing in a little SUV and traveling up to visit a poor church that was on fire for Christ and to feel their passion inspired my heart.

~Visiting the various other mission organizations that are in Shell and hearing how God has used each and every one of them to further His kingdom.

~Being able to hear the devos and testimonies of all you guys in our group. You were such an encouragement to me on this trip.

~Visiting the Nate Saint house and seeing the impact that the faith of five men can have on the world.

~Being able to get my hands dirty and serve those who have given so much already.

~And of course all the crazy, wacko exotic foods that we ate. Including, but not limited to:

Whole Tilapia...


Cow Tongue...

Fish eyeballs...

And Cui...spanish for Guinea Pig...

~And I even found Snoopy...finally

So the adventure in Ecuador is over. But the adventures of Snoopy continue....stay tuned for more of the exciting things that God has in store....
Until next time



  1. Wow, Luke, what great photos and what an awesome experience! Thanks for sharing your trip with us. From your humor to your devotion to God, it's been a pleasure reading your blog. :) Keep on writing!

  2. Thanks guys! Its been awesome to share the journey with you guys! It has been a fantastic last couple weeks. I'll keep writing...
