About Me

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Valley Center, California, United States
A Christian studying to become a missionary pilot. I have felt the call on my life to reach the untold millions of those who need His message. I also absolutely love any kind of sport on the face of the planet.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 6

June 2nd

Wow, has it really been six days already? Time has flown by so quickly… More reason to savor every minute I guess….thats why I’m up past midnight tonight typing this.. lol
Well today was another great day in the wonderful land of Ecuador. We spent most of the day helping out at the Nate Saint house. Across the street from the airstrip, the original house built by Nate Saint 50 years ago is still standing. But termites and mold have taken their toll on the poor house and so it is currently in a state of severe disrepair. They have decided that they are going to tear down and rebuild the house this summer. The plans are to create an exact duplicate of the two most famous rooms of the house, the kitchen and the radio room. Then they are going to build a meeting room, a small apartment for local missionaries, and also a few guest rooms.So we are some of the last people to see the original house before it is torn down. But right now, it is being used largely for storage. So our job today was to transport the wash machines, refrigerators, cabinets, barrels, and load upon load of wood and lumber. It was so cool to be a part of history and to be able to say, "I walked through the house that Nate Saint lived in, and I got termite dust on my head, and looked at the books that Nate read." I don't know, it might sound silly to you. But Nate is my greatest human hero. Saint is the reason I want to be a missionary pilot. Reading the biographies about his life, and seeing the End of the Spear was the inspiration that God used to call me to the mission field. 

Then for lunch, to continue on my adventerous side of culinary taste, I tried the house special at the restaurant we were at. What was the special you ask? La Lengua. or Cow Tongue.....:) And you may not believe me, but once you got past the fact that you could see the bumps on the outside of it, it actually tasted really good. I ate the whole thing....haha

So after finishing up clearing out the house, we then came back to the Hosteria and cleaned up and we each went out to a missionary family for dinner and talked and shared stories about our lives. The family that I got to have dinner with was Fred and Desiree Schmidt. This couple has been on the field for over 25 years. http://www.maf.org/schmidt 
They were such an awesome couple and it was so great to hear how God had provided for them over the years and be able to ask them lots of questions about their life, and why they felt called to the field. This week has been flying by and I have made so many awesome memories and adventures. And its not over yet.... :)

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