About Me

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Valley Center, California, United States
A Christian studying to become a missionary pilot. I have felt the call on my life to reach the untold millions of those who need His message. I also absolutely love any kind of sport on the face of the planet.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

College Fun...

Well the semester is off to a great start so far. Its been great coming back and reconnecting with all the amazing friends I have here at LETU, and also meeting all the new freshman we have on the floor. I am really looking forward to a new year on Davis 2. And thanks to the RAs for being good sports and {letting} us duct tape you to the light pole outside.....haha that was great. 

Flying has been going really well. I had my first night flight about two weeks ago and it has to of been my second most favorite flight ever, next to my first solo. Right now I am working on specialty landings such as soft (grass) and short field landings. They are really fun. I absolutely love my new instructor Pete Greenwald. He and his wife are actually in the process right now of getting into MAF so it is very cool to hear bits and pieces of his experience as he is heading where I want to be in a few years. This week we will be finishing up landings and next be working on cross-country flights. I am really looking forward to the flight to Arkansas, where we will be landing in the MOUNTAINS.....woohoo!

Also, I have really enjoyed my maintenance classes, Aircraft Systems, and Airframe Electrical. Right not we are learning about hydraulic systems and all the amazing theories behind them. It is amazing all the things you can do an incompressible fluid.

In other areas, right now I am playing on my floor's intermural flag football team, and we are undefeated so far! GO D2 LIONS!!!!!

Hope you all are doing well, and I hope to update you on things that are happening as the year progresses, so stay tuned!!!!


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